Inclusion is vital and it’s up to us

As special educators, our primary mission is to provide an exemplary, world class education to our students with exceptionalities. This includes adapting the curriculum, modifying assignments, and providing accommodations to ensure our students have access to the general curriculum and an equitable chance of succeeding. One component of that charge is to increase the inclusion of our students as much as possible. Students with exceptionalities often feel different from their peers who are typical and will isolate themselves as a result. One way to combat this is to increase the acceptance of all students by all students and to expose students with exceptionalities to as many opportunities of inclusion as possible. For some that may be eating in the cafeteria with their peers or moving through the halls during transition, so they feel visible and like everyone else. Read more.


What are some ways you include your students into the general education setting? Share with us on Twitter @CECmembership.


CEC member, Richard Williams, contributed this content.

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