Two-Part Webinar from NCSI

The National Center for Systemic Improvement is pleased to present a two-part webinar series: Got Evidence? Where to Find and How to Use It to Make Sound Decisions About Evidence-Based Practices. The term “evidence-based practice” in early childhood has its roots in evidence-based medicine and relies upon identifying and combining multiple sources of evidence to make decisions about services for young children and their families. The NCSI has created an interconnected suite of tools that explain the history and rationale behind using these multiple sources, where to look for evidence, and how to appraise and combine the evidence to inform the selection, implementation, and evaluation of specific practices for individuals or groups of children and families.

The first webinar on Feb. 15 will introduce the suite of tools and engage participants in considering real world vignettes that illustrate their application in early childhood programs. Click here to register for webinar 1.

The second webinar on March 1 will engage participants more deeply in using the tools to conduct the search for evidence, evaluate information from different sources, and synthesize it to make decisions about practices to implement and how to ensure they improve outcomes for the children and families in participants’ specific contexts. Click here to register for webinar 2.

For further information, please contact: Taletha Derrington, or Monica Mathur-Kalluri,

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