The annual OSPI application for federal IDEA funds has been posted on OSPI’s Special Education Web page and will be available for public review and comment for a period of 60 days, prior to final submission to the USDOE Office of Special Education Programs by May 17, 2019. Because OSPI is awaiting a decision by the Legislature regarding the use of IDEA funds in Safety Net awards, two budgets are posted—one budget including federal funding in Safety Net as a state level activity one budget excluding the use of federal funds for Safety Net. Should the Legislature reach a decision prior to our filing date, the budget will be updated.
To submit your comments in writing, email, fax to 360-586-0247, or mail to the Special Education Office, OSPI, PO Box 47200, Olympia, WA 98504-7200. When submitting your written comments, please insert in the subject line, “WA Part B Annual State Special Education Application, Public Comments.” The deadline for written comments is May 13, 2019.