Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) published four policy letters addressing a variety of issues:
July 3: Letter to Zirkel addresses a series of questions regarding a state educational agency’s complaint procedures, in particular, resolution of state complaints and enforcement actions.
September 9: Letter to Anonymous addresses questions regarding: (1) the participation of children with disabilities in IEP team meetings and other meetings held to discuss the results of testing, the child’s evaluation or reevaluation, or the child’s identified disability category (particularly secondary transition-aged youth); and (2) provision of assessment reports to meeting participants, including the parents, prior to the meeting at which the assessment results will be discussed.
September 9: Letter to Rowland addresses a series of questions regarding the development of IEPs of children placed in certain preschool programs, including whether a public agency may restrict the provision of a specific related service based solely on the child’s placement in a particular program.
September 17: Increasing Postsecondary Opportunities and Success for Students and Youth with Disabilities describes how state educational agencies, local educational agencies, and state vocational rehabilitation agencies may coordinate to assist students and youth with disabilities, including students and youth with intellectual disabilities who are in high school and at postsecondary education institutions, through appropriate supports funded under the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by Title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.