AWARD: Outstanding Special Education Administrator

William (Bill) Cheney, Assistant Director, Mount Vernon School District

Bill Cheney has been the assistant director for the past seven years. He is a Mount Vernon native and moved back to the district so he could work for the school district. When he had the opportunity for a leadership position in the district he enrolled in the ECSEL program and received his certificate. Since then, Bill has been the foundation upon which the superintendent has built the special education department and school district. It is very clear that Bill is respected by teachers, support staff, and principals. He has been the force behind the district’s MTSS initiative and he coordinates the district MTSS committee. Bill is one of the most thoughtful, smart, and strategic special education leaders. The implementation of universal screening and progress monitoring in Mount Vernon has been successful due to his careful implementation steps. He understands implementation science and has applied his knowledge to encourage and establish the use of evidence-based practices in the district.

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