AWARD: Recognition of Extraordinary Leadership

Glenna Gallo, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education,
Office the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Glenna has demonstrated exceptional leadership as the Assistant Superintendent for the Special Education Department at the OSPI. Glenna continuously connects with stakeholders across the state on relevant issues affecting students with disabilities. Glenna has been instrumental in connecting local, regional, and state leaders of special education on topics such as parent and family engagement, inclusionary practices in general education, and birth-five programs. Parents, community members, and school personnel would describe Glenna as responsive, transparent, and an active listener. Most recently, Glenna has been a voice for special education leaders at the state and national levels as we are involved in an unprecedented international COVID-19 pandemic. Glenna has stood strong and loud on the focus of the work while bringing an accessible and calm approach to the most complicated situation. Not only has the State of Washington and its CASE membership been a fortunate recipient of her leadership but she been a resource nationally in the field of special education. Glenna is an unprecedented leader in unprecedented times.

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