Upcoming Webinars

Thurs., Jan. 21, 2:00 ET, When Someone Comes Out: A Guide for Youth-Serving Professionals, Parents, & Caregivers, sponsored by HRC Project THRIVE.  The webinar will feature speakers from PFLAG who will provide recommendations on how to celebrate and support LGBTQ youth as they plan to come out.  Register here.

Mon., Jan. 25, 2:00 ET, Discussing Race in PK-12 Classrooms: Why It’s an Essential Skill, sponsored by the CEEDAR and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.  One of the focuses of this forum will be the impact of racism on school discipline and special education systems, especially on students with intersectional identities.  Register here.

Thurs., Jan. 28, 2:00 – 3:30 PM, PT, Joyful Reading at School and at Home: A Storybook Reading Routine, sponsored by REL West (Regional Educational Laboratory).  This is the first of a 4-part series that will offer research based guidance to help preK-1st grade educators learn a routine for storybook reading, consider culturally affirming aspects of stories, and share ideas about creating home-school reading connections.  Register here.

Wed., Feb. 3, 2:00- 3:30 PM ET, A Nation of Readers: How State Chiefs Can Help Every Child Learn to Read, sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers.  A new report will be released with this event looking at what actions states can take to improve literacy skills, especially for those reading below grade level.  Register here.

Thurs., Feb. 4, 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET, Student Access to Well-Prepared and Diverse Educators During and Beyond COVID-19, sponsored by the Coalition for Teaching Quality (Note: CASE is a member of this coalition).  This is a congressional briefing, and speakers will discuss the current state of the educator workforce and pipeline, as well as research and policy solutions to improve the pipeline.  RSVP here.

Tues., Feb. 16, 3:30-5:00 PM ET, Pursuing Equity for Black Students in K-12 Education: Exploring the Intersection of Race and Disabilities, sponsored by the National Center for Systemic Improvement.  This is another in a series of Thought Leader Conversations bringing together a variety of stakeholder voices.  The purpose of the session is to examine ways to engage and partner with students, families, and communities impacted by racial inequities to identify and implement systemic solutions to ensure equitable learning conditions, particularly focused on Black students with disabilities.  Register here.

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