In the newly released Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) January 2023 newsletter, Director Valerie C. Williams announced the Expect, Engage, and Empower: Successful Transitions for All! Initiative. This initiative aims to improve postsecondary outcomes for special education students and challenges the education and vocational rehabilitation systems to work together to ensure that these students have the knowledge, resources, and support services to make the best choices for their future. All OSEP grantees and any others who may be interested are invited to attend a virtual session, to be announced in the coming month. Additional updates in the director’s newsletter include: Guidance for Common Prior Approval Requests under IDEA Parts B and C; Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Webinar Series; Building Stronger Connections: Selecting High-Quality Evidenced-based Strategies for Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Schools, Part II; Building Stronger Connections: Professional Development and Training for All School Staff on Strategies for Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Schools; Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse; and Working Together to Support All Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities.